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Chapter Officers 

Our chapter is lead by a group of thirteen men known as the High Zeta. These men were nominated and elected by the chapter to organize, instruct, educate, mentor, and lead other members so that they may become successful students and brothers. 
High Alpha 


Name: James Phillips

Office: President

Class: 2018


High Tau


Name: Tim Morris

Office: Treasurer

Class: 2017


High Kappa


Name: Chaz Hill

Office: Fraternity Education

Class: 2019

High Beta


Name: Jake Smith

Office: Brotherhood/Internal VP

Class: 2018


High Rho 


Name: Evan Watkins

Office: Alumni Relations

Class: 2019


High Theta


Name's: Josh Holt

Office: Philanthropy/External VP

Class: 2019


High Iota


Name: Zak Prater

Office: Risk Management 

Class: 2019


High Delta


Name: Tre'von Sevion

Office: Recruitment 

Class: 2017


High Sigma


Name: Clay Brown

Office: Academics

Class: 2019


High Gamma


Name: Garrett Tuley

Office: Secretary

Class: 2018


High Phi


Name: Dan Harris

Office: Ritual

Class: 2017


High Epsilon


Name: Nawwaf Elyyan

Office: Social Chairman 

Class: 2019


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