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Chapter Members  

Membership Requirements


One of the mottos that LCA strives to conduct their fraternity by is the Greek motto “Vir Quisque Vir” or “every man a man.” Lambda Chi Alpha was the first fraternity to abolish pledges when associate membership replaced pledging in 1972. Since that time, associate members have had full and equal rights in the chapter, including voting privileges and the ability to hold office, attend all meetings and functions, and wear the letters and regalia of the Fraternity. Upon becoming an associate member, that man is expected to have a minimum G.P.A. of a 2.0 after the first semester and winter term to remain in the fraternity. A minimum G.P.A. of 2.25 is required to be initiated.

When you need someone to talk to, you will always find a brother who is genuinely interested and who really cares about what happens to you. You will find a brother who understands that you are only human and are seeking to improve yourself in many ways. You will find a brother who offers to help before you have a chance to ask. Deciding to become a member of Lambda Chi Alpha has the possibility to change your life by molding you into a man of integrity and honor.

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