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About Our Chapter


Year Founded: 1942 (Theta Kappa Nu)

Chapter Name: Lambda Chi Alpha - Kappa Gamma Zeta

Symbol: Cross & Crescent

Flower: White Rose


Philanthropy: Feeding America


Philanthropy Events

Our chapter participates in multiple events to promote service to the community as well as to our national philanthrophy, the North American Food Drive (NAFD). Our philantrophic events include:


Teeter Totter-A-Thon: This event is held once a semester, where have brothers ride a Teeter Totter for 36 hours straight to raise awareness and money for the NAFD. The events is held both on campus as well in the community to promote awareness. 


Bag Drop: This event also occurs once a semester. This requires brothers to go throughout the community, walking door-to-door to request non-perishable food items from community members. The bags are then retreived two weeks later and all donations are sent to the local food pantry as contributiont to the NAFD. 


Are You Smarter than a Chi?: This event occurs once a year. The event is similiar to the television show "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" where students and faculty at Franklin College compete against members of the chapter. The trivia game show mixes humor and knowledge with all proceeds going to the NAFD. 



Our chapter strives for excellence in all aspects of campus involvements. We enjoy our athletics, philanthropy, and education. We have been fortunate to excel in many facets and have achieved awards and recongnition within the past few years. These awards incude:


High GPA for all Fraternies (Spring 2012-Fall 2013)

Greek Week Champions for the Past Six Years (2009-2014)

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